If you are just starting your WordPress website or blog, then a coming soon page is a great way to inform visitors of what is going on... plus you can even grab their details as well.
Let's walk you through how to set this up !
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Now there are 3 reason why you would use a coming soon page on your website...
- You are just creating your brand new website
- You are launching a product or service
- You have closed a product done (such as a coaching program)
Watch the video walk through or follow the steps below to discover exactly how to create a coming soon page for your WordPress website
I am going to be using the Thrive content builder plugin to help me build my coming soon page If you want to learn more about Thrive content builder head to their website.
Once you have created a new page on your WordPress dashboard under pages, then choose the edit with Thrive content builder button.
From the page editor head to the top right hand corner and click thrive landing pages, this will open up all your options from the pre-built templates.
You can use the filter on the left and select coming soon templates, you can of course build from a blank page too, but for this example I am going to use one of these templates.
When loaded in the template is now ready to be edited to suit exactly what you would like on it. Everything is editable including background color, heading and sub heading text.
On this template there is a count down timer which of course is optional but a great feature to use as it can give a sense of anticipation especially if the page is only a few days away from the being live. Again this can be totally edited with different styles and colors.
If you don't have a date or time for the page to go live then don't put a timer on until nearer the time of the launch when you then know. There's nothing worse than clicking through to a page with a timer that has run out, your credibility goes out the window, and the visitor will probably not return.
Having a coming soon page is a great way to build your list, by placing an email sign up form on the page gives your visitor the chance to be kept updated on the launch. If this is a product or coaching course for instance this means you are building a highly targeted list of people who will probably go on to buy... This is very powerful indeed I always recommend this is added.
For this you will of course need an email auto responder if you don't have one of these at present I use and recommend Aweber they even offer a 30 day free trial.By clicking on the optin box, you can then connect a service this is where you can add in your HTML code from your auto repsonder.
The final element at the foot of the page is links to your social accounts, these again is great for building a following. Just link on the image and insert the URL, remember to have these pages opening in a new window this way your visitor doesn't leave your site.
Now you are ready to go live with your coming soon page, if you are using it as a front page for your website check out my 21 video tutorials especially static pages as this show you how make your coming soon your main landing page.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comments below, please also find the time to share this so others can benefit.
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