Create Free Automation With IFTTT

automating blog content with ifttt

Having great content is one thing, but getting people to see it is another... But what if I could show you how automating blog content is so simple these days. You can  publish your content either a blog, video or social media post and then have it posted all around the internet on autopilot. 

Watch the video tutorial below where you can look over my shoulder as I go through step by step the easy way to do this, using a site called IFTTT

Automating Blog Content

Not started your blog yet ? Start here

Resources used in video - If This Then That 

If this then that is an amazing site, and once set up will ping your content all over the internet without you having to think about it. 

They work with all the big social networks as well as 100's of less known ones, all of which can get you tonnes of free traffic... 

automating blog content with IFTTT

You set up Applets, these are instructions which can then be automated. So IF THIS happens, for example I publish a new post on my blog. THEN THAT happens for example post a tweet with an image to my Twitter account. 

How cool is that ! You can create as many Applets as you like across numerous networks, and all for free. 

Isn't it time to check out IFTTT for all your content.

For more free traffic ideas ... grab your own free copy of our ebook 101 traffic tips, tricks and tactics

Just watched a great video tutorial take a look here  #blogging #ifttt

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Any questions about this video or anything WordPress or online marketing related please leave a comment below or contact me via the main social networks.... 

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By graphicsman

Martin is the CEO of Designed 4 U which help small businesses and entrepreneurs to succeed online. He has over 19 years experience in the graphics industry, and has worked alongside some of the top social media and online marketers over the past 8 years.

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