3 Types Of Web Traffic – Which Is The Best !

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types of web traffic

Discover the 3 different types of web traffic for your blog, and which one is the best to use to get super targeted repeat traffic.


Blog Traffic Tips

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Start building your email list today with the new AWeber Free Account. No credit card required and you can even use their new landing pages too.

Alternatively, You can use Clickfunnels to build super fast marketing funnels. 

3 Types Of web Traffic

1.Traffic You Control

This could be paid traffic, solo ads, banners ads or even affiliate traffic from your affiliates. You know where you are going place your ads or who is promoting so you have control of this web traffic.

2. Traffic You Don't Control

Traffic you don't control includes SEO, Social Media and Press Releases. When Google ranks a particular article or page on your website you have no control over this. With Social Media Facebook will determine who sees your posts in their feed. Unless its paid ads then it falls into number one. 

Blog Traffic Tips

3. Traffic You Own

This is definitely the one you should be focusing on. So what do we mean by Traffic You Own. Well we are talking about your email list, there for  the idea is to use the traffic from the first two categories to build your email list, then this is traffic that you own.

These people have signed up for your free gift,  video course whatever, and so are highly targeted to what you are offering. If you are not already building your email list then start now even if you are only gathering a few people a month, you can grow to thousands a month with just a little work.

You can start building your own traffic system with AWeber's free account

To help you drive traffic and build your email list, download our free 101 traffic tips and tactics ebook... just hit the button below.

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By graphicsman

Martin is the CEO of Designed 4 U which help small businesses and entrepreneurs to succeed online. He has over 19 years experience in the graphics industry, and has worked alongside some of the top social media and online marketers over the past 8 years.

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