A Step By Step Blueprint To Grow Your Email List

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grow your email list

Discover how to grow your email list in less than 4 hours with step-by-step, expert guidance in six short and simple lessons.


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More information read :- Build an email list of 1000 subscribers 

Watch short video below which explains everything​​​​​ you need to know 


Learn how to grow your email list in less than 4 hours with step-by-step, expert guidance in six short and simple lessons.

Start the course now

The six lessons in this course are self-paced. You can complete them all at once or choose to spread them out over six days or more. Here’s what you’ll learn in each lesson about how to grow your email list.

Audience research and the lead magnet

Learn the number one way to make your incentive a success. Complete audience research and choose a topic for your lead magnet.

Choosing a format for your lead magnet

This lesson will show you the different type of lead magnet formats and how you can choose the best one to get more email marketing leads.

The start-to-finish plan for creating your lead magnet

Create and launch your lead magnet with expert advice and easy-to-use tools. And get writing tips to guide you along the way.

Blog faster and easier
Selecting your sign up form

In this lesson, learn the ins and outs of the seven most-popular form types and determine which type will help you reach your list growth goals.

Watch me build a 3 step sales funnel from scratch

Grow your email list FAST ! Step by step blueprint #emailmarketing #emailtips #aweber

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Sign up form tools that work for you

The best sign up platforms for growing your email list and how to choose one that fits your needs.

Copywriting and design strategies to make your sign up form convert

Get simple optimization hacks to create a sign up form that will grab people’s attention and get them to subscribe.

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Never Build A Blog Without A Proven Guide

Build your own blog and start making money by simply following our proven 30 point checklist and resource pack : completely for free!

By graphicsman

Martin is the CEO of Designed 4 U which help small businesses and entrepreneurs to succeed online. He has over 19 years experience in the graphics industry, and has worked alongside some of the top social media and online marketers over the past 8 years.

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