7 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Creating Your WordPress Blog

wordpress plugin review
wordpress plugins

If you are just starting a new blog or building your own website using WordPress you will definitely want to use WordPress plugins to help you create it. With 1000's of different plugins available the problem can be which ones do I use? In this article we run through 7 plugins that you must have in your WordPress plugins section.


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Thrive Architect Plugin

Before we dive in to the must have plugins let's just explain what a plugin is... This explanation from WP Beginner explains it well...

what are wordpress plugins

You don't need to worry too much about the technical side of a plugin you can add them in easily and delete them even quicker. All you need to know is where can I find plugins and how do I add them to my WordPress site. So let's cover these now...

Firstly, where to find plugins ?

where to find wordpress plugins in dashboard

Head to your dashboard and on  the right hand side you have a list of elements. Scroll down to find plugins, hover over it and then click on add new.

If you have bought a plugin then you would have downloaded your purchase to your desktop or somewhere similar. Instead of searching, all you have to do is hit the upload button at the top of the page and follow the instructions.

To find other plugins just use the search facility on the right. Either search for the the name, or maybe a keyword or phrase eg "social media sharing". Once you found the plugin you would like to add just click on the install button then the activate button which will appear. That's it simple or what.... πŸ™‚

find a plugin and upload

Now you know how to find and activate the plugins let's share with you our 7 must have plugins.

1. Akismet

Akismet is a anti spam plugin that is automatically added to your plugin section all you have to do is activate it. This will help stop spam comments from appearing in the comments section. Although Akismet has a name your price plan, if using for commercial use maybe the $4 a month would be a better fit. 

2. Google Analytics

Ideal plugin for tracking where your traffic is coming, what pages are getting views and a 7 day comparison. Great for seeing if you are increasing your traffic. When you first start this will be small figures but will grow the more content you produce. 

google analytics plugin

3. Acunetix Secure WordPress

The Acunetix Secure WordPress plugin is the ultimate must-have tool when it comes to WordPress security. The plugin is free and monitors your website for security weaknesses that hackers might exploit and tells you how to easily fix them.

contact form 7 plugin

4. Contact Form 7

I have included this plugin as a great one for creating forms enabling visitors to contact you. The other reason it's great is that Google look for contact us pages when trawling your site. Then use that information to see where to rank it in it's search engine. so a quick add to a page could be beneficial all round. 

7 #Wordpress Plugins to help create your #blog #blogging

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5. Limit Login Attempts

Self explanatory really... It limits the amount of login attempts from an IP address...Great for stopping bots spamming your site. You don't need to understand how it works just add and activate. 

Blog faster and easier

6. SEO Yoast

SEO Yoast is the best SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) plugin bar none. It allows you to optimise your pages and posts for relevant keywords and gives you full analysis of what's good to go and what needs improving and how to improve it. A premium version is available but to start out the free version is totally adequate.

Yoast SEO Plugin

Use SEO Yoast to optimize your blog posts ... Read :- 17 Simple Tasks To Optimize Your Blog Posts For More Traffic

7. Thrive Architect

Thrive Architect is a front end WordPress editor created by Shane and his team at Thrive Themes. It enables you to see on page changes you make without having to switch from the WordPress editor to page view in WordPress. All you have to do drag and drop the element needed onto the page then edit. Thrive Architect is a paid plugin but well worth the $67. Once you have seen what it can do and the time it will save you, you'll thank me. Attached below is a short video review of Thrive Architect.


As you will see there are 1000's of plugins available for the WordPress platform, the 7 we have mentioned here are ones that we use on our site and know that work well. Take care when adding plugins and make sure that you do your due diligence before activating. Also be careful not to add too many unnecessary plugins as the more you add the slower your site could become. Be sure to delete out any plugins that you are not using too... 

Main thing is have fun exploring WordPress and the plugins associated with it, these are what WordPress the best and most used blogging / website platform  in the world.

Lastly if you have any great plugins you have used please comment below. 

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By graphicsman

Martin is the CEO of Designed 4 U which help small businesses and entrepreneurs to succeed online. He has over 19 years experience in the graphics industry, and has worked alongside some of the top social media and online marketers over the past 8 years.

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